Roxie Update

Well, the Roxie has successfully ended her first week home and then some. She has learned to use the doggie door to go outside to go potty (most of the time), she has come to work with me (once) and has learned to stay home by herself for a few hours at at time. She stays in her pen with access to the outside through the doggie door. She has learned to sit and stay before getting fed and before getting attention. She sleeps through most of the the night with no whining when it’s bed time. We go on walks 2x a day to drain some of her puppy energy so for the most part she is pretty calm (until 9:00pm when she turns into a mad dog). She has been on the treadmill once for about 4 minutes and did ok, as long as there was a treat ahead of her. It will take more time to get her used to that before she will be able to use it for real exercise.
She and Cheeto are doing ok. Last night was the first time that Roxie REALLY wanted to play and kept forcing the issue with Cheeto. Cheeto was NOT interested. I did get a chance to get video of the whole scene:
She had a reaction to what we believe is her Parvo vaccination from a couple weeks ago. We were already having difficulty deciding on her vaccination plan and now this. Weimaraner’s tend to have immune issues due to over vaccination and so the Weim Club of America, doesn’t recommend the same vaccination scheudle as other dogs get. Then to make things even more confusing, our breeder believes in even FEWER vaccinations than that! So we are trying to decide what will be best for Roxie by taking into consideration all we have learned as well as our schedule for the next month and whether she will be able to come with us or not. We still are up in the air with it. Regardless, we need to make a decision by Friday as Weims should not have any vaccinations between 12-16 weeks. Tate doesn’t recall having any of this issues with Winston. I guess the more you know…
In other news. We are supposed to be heading to Tahoe this weekend for my Advanced SCUBA class along with friends Anna & Steve. Although, due to the ongoing fire and current road closures, we aren’t sure if it is going to happen or not. They could move the location from the West side of the lake to the East/Nevada side, which will be a longer drive. We will find out on Thursday what will happen.
Tate’s parents arrive on Monday, July 9th to help us with the garage extension. They will be here through the first week in August. For those interested in demo and framing or any other construction and want to help out, give Tate a call. I’m sure they could use the help! We hope to have it complete prior to our annual dive trip to the Channel Islands on July 29th… wish us luck!
Well, I think that’s all for now. Have a great rest of the week!
Renee & Tate
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