Snowboarding Follow Up
After reading yesterday\’s blog, several people have asked me \”What about Tate\”. I guess while I was busy planning my own snowboarding \”pitty party\” I forgot about my hubby.
Tate is doing really well at snowboarding (no surprise there). He went for the first time last Monday and then again last Saturday. Sunday was his third time out and he is flying down the mountain like he had been doing it for years. He now has a season pass to Sierra at Tahoe and a night pass to Boreal. I sure am going to miss him this winter.
I tried to get more pictures of him but all you could see was a bunch of black dots coming down the mountian. I had no idea where he was until he was right in front of me. I may go back up with him in the future and focus on taking pictures. When I do, I\’ll be sure to pass them along.
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