Winston Update
As many of you already know, Winston has been sick since the night of Tate’s birthday party. The first visit to the vet showed clean blood work and x-rays. We took him home hoping that it was just a virus and that it would go away. As the week went on, he has gotten better, but worse. He doesn’t want to eat and is drinking very little water. Over the last day or so, he has gotten to the point that it is difficult for him to get up, his legs just don’t want to work anymore.
We took him to the vet again today and they did and ultrasound and found tumors on his adrenal glad (near his heart) and also in his spleen. With his age and high risk, the vet doesn’t recommend surgery. They have given him some fluids and he has come home with us to be comfortable in his last days. We anticipate having to say goodbye sometime this week. If you would like to stop over and say goodbye to Winston, please feel free to do so. I’m sure Tate could use the support too.
Reneé & Tate
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