Cali Went Home Today

The photo above is of Rayn, Cali’s mom and the mom of the upcoming litter. Isn’t she pretty? Photo taken from website.
Two weeks, two days later, Cali went home to her breeder this afternoon.We had hoped that we could take her back last weekend but due to the incredible generosity of our friend Kit and the vet she works for, they offered to do a neuro exam on Cali to check for any underlying issues that might have caused Cali to be unbalanced.Her appointment was last Wednesday and everything looks ok on the neuro front.After the exam, they took a look at the surgery site on her leg and didn’t like what they saw and wanted their surgeon to look at it on Friday.We took her back on Friday and they performed some x-rays and determined that the pins holding Cali’s tendon to the bone had all bent and one had even broken.In addition, as you may recall, the bolts holding her pins in place had rubbed against the top of her foot causing large sores.This was due to the fact that her foot was allowed to flex and if not corrected ASAP, the tendon could pull away from the bone and she would need surgery all over again.The new surgeon placed a cast over the current bandages and wrapped her leg so that her foot couldn’t flex at all and asked us to come back on Monday to see how it was doing.After Monday’s exam, all looks good and as long as this new wrap was kept up, the wound should heal ok.This meant that Cali was ok to go home.
We went back to the original vet and spoke to the manager and told them how unhappy we are with Cali’s after care.They are looking into it and we hope to hear from them soon.We are hoping for a partial refund of the surgery and after care costs, but we will see.This will definitely ease the pain on our pocketbooks from Cali’s short stay with us.
We spent one last night with Cali on Monday and gave her all kinds of love and attention.We met Liz, the breeder in Williams this afternoon and sent her on her way.We didn’t really get a chance to say goodbye since there was so much information to pass on and she was excited and barking during the exchange.As Liz drove away, I realized that Cali was really gone, but that we would see her again when it was time to visit our new puppy and again when it was time to bring her home.
Speaking of the new puppy, Rayn (the mommy, and Cali’s mommy) is due to deliver any day now, in fact, any hour.So we will know for sure and have pictures to share soon.We are still trying to figure out when we will be able to bring the new puppy home since the release date will be very close to when we leave for our houseboat trip in June.We might not be able to get her until after we get back.
Thanks to everyone for your encouragement and support through this difficult time.We really do appreciate it.Keep a look out for puppy pictures soon.
Reneé & Tate
P.S. Special Thanks to Kit for hearing about our story and providing services for Cali. You have no idea how much we appreciate your help!
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