ROXIE'S 1st Birthday
Well, yesterday was Roxie’s 1st birthday. We had a few friends over for a BBQ and cake. We dressed her in her birthday t-shirt “It’s Fun Being One” and party hat. Roxie had her own cake which she enjoyed while we all sang happy birthday to her. To see the rest of the pictures click here:
In other Roxie news, she has earned 2 of her 4 legs towards her Junior Hunter title. She was supposed to have (hopefully) earned the other 2 legs this weekend but she was feeling under the weather and didn’t perform on Saturday and we withdrew on Sunday. Well, that’s the short version.
Hunt Test 3/22/08 – Roxie Pointing, me going to flush and the judge on horseback
In house news, we continue to plug away on the house. The concrete for the back bay will be poured this week which will mean the boat can go in it’s spot and one of the cars can come in from outside and be parked in the front bay.
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