9/22/08 – Labor Day and other updates
Lots has been going on since the last time I blogged. First, as you can see, I have redesigned our website. I hope you like it! Many of the older pages are still under construction and I will update them as time allows.
So, at the beginning of September, we went on our annual Labor Day trip to Ocean Cove, CA with Dolphin Divers of Sacramento. This year, Tate decided to enter the Men’s cooking contest. This was going to be fun. For those who do not know about the annual DDS men’s cooking contest, let me tell you a little about it. The men, are responsible for cooking the entire meal which includes clean up. They must cook with basic essentials the only that of a tent camper would have access too. They cannot use pre-prepared food. The contest is judged by the women. Many years ago, the women would visit each man’s site to check his trash and to be sure he is following the rules. The men began to bribe the women using alcoholic beverages and appetizers. It has now become a tradition and a separate c
ontest in of itself. This year’s theme was Mexican Fiesta. Tate had GREAT idea to dress up as Zorro and serve our famous Jell-O shots (margarita flavored) as his bribe. He also offered chili pepper bracelets to those brave enough to do a tequila shooter. He served chips and guacamole and queso dip. The women LOVED it and he earned the coveted “BEST BRIBE”! I am so proud of his imagination and dedication to this project.
After the bribe, he rushed to finish his main course of Cabo Style Fish Tacos with fresh mango salsa and spicy tartar sauce. It was REALLY good! But so was everyone else’s. It was hard to tell whose dish the ladies liked best. We would have to wait until the following night to learn the winner. The next night was the pot luck dinner where we had fresh fish and abalone. If you can imagine at least six picnic tables lined up end to end covered with FOOD! It was impossible to taste everything. After dinner and before the raffle, they announced the winner of both the bribe and cooking contest. Tate ended up taking second place in the cooking contest and only lost by ONE vote! I was very proud of him.
I had entered the women’s dessert contest with S’more’s treats (imagine rice crispy treats only with Golden Grams cereal and topped with chocolate). No placement for me but everyone still enjoyed my treat. To see photos from Labor Day weekend click here: http://flickr.com/photos/reneeviehmann/sets/72157607347250384/
9/6/08 The following weekend, Roxie and I drove to Boca Lake near Truckee, CA to visit with my friend Lani and her Weimaraner Logan. The ‘kids’ ran and played and swam until they couldn’t go any more. Lani got some great photos from the day. To see them all, click here: http://flickr.com/photos/reneeviehmann/2837692494/in/set-72157605164251932/ (note, there are other pictures of Roxie & Logan in this album but this link will take you to the fist photo of this outing).
9/20/08 we attended DRA’s (Delta Riders Association) final wakeboard competition of the season. Tate had entered last month’s competition and took 3rd place in his class. Tate entered this one too and placed 3rd again YAY!!! To see the photos from the weekend, click here: http://flickr.com/photos/reneeviehmann/sets/72157607422574349/ Here is video of Tate’s run:
Next weekend Roxie has another IABCA show and we hope that she will earn her adult International Championship. You can be sure that I will blog about it as soon as we get back. Stay tuned…
Have a good week!
9/22/08 – Labor Day and other updates — No Comments
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