6/22/09 Weekend Fun
What a great weekend! I spent Saturday morning training with Roxie, came home, took a nap then when I was rejuvinated tackled the project of washing the RV. Man, was it dirty! After that it was dinner with Holly, Cayle & Laynie.
Sunday, I took the boat out with Friends Kit & Josh and their friends Kendra & Steve as well as Scott and g/f Sandy. It was a beautiful day, perfect weather, water was warm and I was with great people. We had such a good time! I got to try my feet at surfing. I’ve only done it a few times and was able to get up! I did pretty well, and hope to improve. I’m pretty sore today considering I wakeboarded twice and surfed twice. I forget how much I love being out there until I get there.
Now, I need a weekend from my weekend!
(click on photo sto view other pics from the day. More photos still being added)
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