8/7/09 – Birthday camping, the final days
Well, it’s now Saturday night and I am finally home from a very interesting vacation. Last I wrote, it was Wednesday night and we were waiting for the storm to come in. I never did that night but Thursday afternoon the clouds came in an the rain began. It rained for a couple hour with no wind so we could have sat outside under the awning if we wanted to. Instead, mom napped and I created my own personal campground review. You can check it out at http://www.reneerox.com/camping.html. The rest of Thursday was pretty uneventful.
On Friday, it was time to go. We packed up and headed home where we spent the afternoon shopping and then I was off to see my dad for dinner. Saturday on the way home, I stopped in Red Bluff for a baby shower.
Overall it was a nice vacation. It was nice to spend time with my mom, and see a couple new campgrounds. Photos from the week have now been uploaded to my Flickr account so just click on any photo view the album.
Upon arriving home, was another “adventure” as was the first time the RV was put away in the garage. It was a tight squeeze (had to fold in the mirrors) but it fit! Now, the next challenge will be getting it OUT of the garage without side mirrors!
Next up for me and Roxie, more field training and another camping trip later this month. FUN!
8/7/09 – Birthday camping, the final days — No Comments
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